As part of the exhibition and presentation session of the Forum demonstrated achievements in robotics, mechatronics and instrumentation, including mobile intelligent robots with vision, drones, digitally controlled actuators.

In a demonstration and competitive session of the Forum was held competitions in the following formats:

- International Youth robotic competition «EUROBOT»

- All-Russian competition regulations robotic Open Cup tournament Polytechnic Museum

- Open competition for mobile robots RobotChallenge regulations under the auspices of the Association of Sports Robotics (ASR)

Organized by the VPO MGUPI supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow Department of Education Prefecture HLW Moscow, Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship in Moscow, VPO MSTU. NE Bauman, Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University. MV University, Polytechnic Museum, NIU MEI (Technical University), Preprint them. MV Keldysh RAS FGAN RTC, NOC EUROBOT RUSSIA, DAAAM International and International Laboratory «Sensory».

Sector robotics laboratory simulation of self-organizing systems UIIP NASB demonstrated centralized management group of small mobile robots and presented the project to establish a national training complex robotics technology for universities colleges and schools of the Republic of Belarus.

The Forum has been demonstrated: ergonomic management of desktops 4D; automated system for temperature control facilities «Smart House»; manipulator arm, which is controlled feet; presented a robot that has vision and is able to avoid obstacles, adaptive all-terrain robot spy «Aurora» in conjunction with the unmanned aerial vehicle.

Vladimir Ilyich Brovin unrelated to official science researcher, author schemes Katscher Brovina (kachatel reactive) demonstrated a new tool based automation sensor Brovina.

Sumo robot battle